How-to add a langauge
Languages are stored as JSON files in GeoMoose. Each language is given its own JSON file and a local JSON file can be used for translating.
1. Start by making a copy of the current English file.
The English file is the most up to date. The Spanish version of the language file may still have unreviewed machine translations.
Copy the English file to your own (such as pirate.json
2. Translate the file.
In the case of pirate.json
all Rs should be replaced with AAARRRRGGGGHHHs.
3. Add the language to GeoMoose
This is done by passing the language definition into the application’s configuration:
var app = new gm3.Application({
mapserver_url: CONFIG.mapserver_url,
mapfile_root: CONFIG.mapfile_root,
map: {
scaleLine: {
enabled: true,
units: 'imperial'
lang: {
pirate: './pirate.json',
4. Test your language in the application
Any language can be tested regardless of browser settings. Between .html
and #
add ?lng=[language code]
. For our example the URL would look like the following: