
This is the quickstart to development guide. If you are looking for a quickstart guide for running GeoMoose then you should look at installing one of the GeoMoose examples. This quickstart utilizes the GeoMoose docker image for serving the demo data and MapServer.

Other quickstarts

Basic requirements

Node Version Manager

Recent LTS versions of Linux do not have a sufficiently modern version of Node for developing GeoMoose. As such, we recommend using nvm. NVM allows running multiple versions of Node, NPM, and allows installing “global” packages without requiring sudo or root access.

Create your fork

GeoMoose contributions are done using Pull Requests. You can read more about pull requests on GitHub.

Click here to create your own Fork

Cloning the repositories

This will download all the data necessary to get started.

cd ~
mkdir geomoose
cd geomoose
git clone git@github.com:[YOUR_USER_NAME]/gm3.git
git clone git@github.com:geomoose/gm3-demo-data.git

Starting the docker image

The Docker image is a quickstart way of setting up MapServer.

cd ~/geomoose/gm3-demo-data/docker

Next, test that the docker image is running correctly:

curl http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin/mapserv

If the message below appears then MapServer is running:

No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty.

Getting GeoMoose started

This step installs all the dependencies for GeoMoose:

cd ~/geomoose/gm3
npm install

Build the GeoMoose package

This will create the combined geomoose.min.js file.

npm run build

Create a config.js file

To configure the example application, it needs to know where MapServer and the Mapfiles are on the server.

Add the following to ~/geomoose/gm3/examples/desktop/config.js:

    mapserver_url: '/mapserver/cgi-bin/mapserv',
    mapfile_root: '/data/'

Fun fact! This is the same contents as ~/geomoose/gm3/examples/config.js.example, so you could also cp ../config.js.example config.js.

Running the tests

Then, let’s see that all of the tests are working:

npm test

Starting up the built-in web server

If the test are working then let’s open up GeoMoose!

npm start

Open GeoMoose in a browser: http://localhost:4000/examples/desktop/index.html