How-to configure a search to require a field to be completed

Add your dataset to the mapbook.xml as a <map-source>. Modify the field names, as well as the mapfile name and location to match your data.

<map-source name="Taxlots-wfs" type="mapserver-wfs">
    <param name="typename" value="ms:Taxlots" />
    <layer name="Taxlots" selectable="true" title="Taxlots">
        <template name="search"><![CDATA[
        <div class="result-item">
            <div class="result-title">
            <b>Owner Name:</b> <br>
            <b>Account Number:</b> <br>

In the demo app.js find this section which uses the demo parcel data:

app.registerService('search', SearchService, {
        fields: [
            {type: 'text', label: 'Owner Name', name: 'OWNER_NAME'},
            {type: 'text', label: 'Street/Address', name: 'OWN_ADD_L1'},
            {type: 'text', label: 'City/State/ZIP', name: 'OWN_ADD_L3'}
        searchLayers: ['vector-parcels/parcels'],
        validateFieldValues: function (fields) {
            let nonEmpty = 0;
            const validateFieldValuesResult = {
                valid: true,
                message: null

            if (fields['OWNER_NAME'] !== undefined && fields['OWNER_NAME'] !== '') {
            if (fields['OWN_ADD_L1'] !== undefined && fields['OWN_ADD_L1'] !== '') {
            if (fields['OWN_ADD_L3'] !== undefined && fields['OWN_ADD_L3'] !== '') {

            if (nonEmpty === 0) {
                validateFieldValuesResult.valid = false;
                validateFieldValuesResult.message = 'Please complete at least one field.'
            return validateFieldValuesResult;

Modify the fields to reference the field name in your dataset (OWNER_NAME), as well as the label that you want displayed (Owner Name). If you have more than three fields to search, add another row to the fields section and add another if statement. Modify the service name to match your data if needed like so:

    app.registerService('search-Taxlots', SearchService, {
        fields: [
            {type: 'text', label: 'Owner Name', name: 'OwnName'},
            {type: 'text', label: 'Situs Address', name: 'SitusAll'},
            {type: 'text', label: 'Map Taxlot', name: 'PARCELID'},
            {type: 'text', label: 'Account Number', name: 'propertyid'}
        searchLayers: ['Taxlots-wfs/Taxlots'],
        validateFieldValues: function (fields) {
            let nonEmpty = 0;
            const validateFieldValuesResult = {
                valid: true,
                message: null

            if (fields['OwnName'] !== undefined && fields['OwnName'] !== '') {
            if (fields['SitusAll'] !== undefined && fields['SitusAll'] !== '') {
            if (fields['PARCELID'] !== undefined && fields['PARCELID'] !== '') {
            if (fields['propertyid'] !== undefined && fields['propertyid'] !== '') {

            if (nonEmpty === 0) {
                validateFieldValuesResult.valid = false;
                validateFieldValuesResult.message = 'Please complete at least one field.'
            return validateFieldValuesResult;

Add the search service to the toolbar

In the mapbook.xml:

  1. Find the <toolbar> element.
  2. Inside the <toolbar> element, add the follow entry for the new search service:

     <tool name="search-Taxlots" title="Search Taxlots" type="service"/>